Lesson Plan Database & More.
Go to this site: Heartland AEA 11 You'll find the database link at the bottom of the page!
This is a rich resource folks. Consider bookmarking it for later reference.
~Dennis@San Diego
Lesson Plan Database & More.
Go to this site: Heartland AEA 11 You'll find the database link at the bottom of the page!
This is a rich resource folks. Consider bookmarking it for later reference.
~Dennis@San Diego
Topic choice emerges as a crucial issue. The subjects many boys like to write about (war, weapons, outlandish fiction, zany or bathroom humor) often do not get a warm reception from teachers. Ralph argues that we must “widen the circle” and give boys more choice if we want to engage them as writers. How? We must begin by recognizing boys and the world in which they live. Boy Writers explores important questions such as:
Here's another free online preview of an interesting writing text:
Stenhouse Publishers - "The Words Came Down!": English Language Learners Read, Write, and Talk Across the Curriculum, K-2As I've learned when working with K-3 Teachers in my UW-Stout Online class, the traits work for pre-literate kids when we're able to teach the concepts of each trait. This book should yield some good ideas for our Ell, Esl learners. (You can see the whole book in PDF format!)
(del.icio.us tags: writing reading esl)
Stenhouse Publishers - Teaching Adolescent Writers:
Right the writing wrongs in your secondary classroom! In his new book Teaching Adolescent Writers, Kelly Gallagher shares instructional strategies that focus on key needs: ample practice, teacher modeling, reading great writers, topic choice...
This free online book preview will help you: