Monday, January 17, 2011

Cure the Pre-Writing Jitters

Writing, Technology, and the National Writing Project

Technology & Writing

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

News from the National Writing Project

News from the National Writing Project

2011 Summer Poetry Institute: Write-Teach-Lead

The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, the Poetry Society of America, and the National Writing Project present the 2011 Summer Poetry Institute, July 5–8, in New York City.


South Carolina Classrooms Improve Writing Through Poetry

Teacher-consultants from the Aiken Writing Project invited two poets to conduct workshops at their school, getting both teachers and students excited about writing.


Education Resolutions for 2011 Include National Writing Project

Education professor Mike Rose, author of "Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us," lists his hopes for education in the new year, including an endorsement of the National Writing Project.


Language Arts Teachers Face Modern Challenges

English teachers find themselves more accountable than ever for the academic success of their students, while balancing new technologies that change time-honored practices of reading and writing. Carol Jago of the UCLA Writing Project is quoted.


Writing Project Teachers Earn Awards for Digital Writing and Advocacy

The list of 2010 Edublog Award nominees included many Writing Project teachers, whose influence and teacher leadership online continues to grow.


Writing Project Facilitates Digital Writing Studies in Alabama

Etowah County Schools in Alabama, teaming up with the Jacksonville State University Writing Project, received a grant to use 21st-century classroom tools to improve student academic achievement. The grant was designed around NWP's book Because Digital Writing Matters.